Club President Jonna Buck welcomed everyone to our online meeting.
Our speaker was Dr. Archie Buendia, seen here receiving his Paul Harris+5 pin from Joe Gill. 
You can read more about the program and see some screen shots by clicking on the gold Recap headline above.
The meeting recording is posted on the club YouTube channel at this link: Sooner Club Secretary


Jonna called us to order at 7:11 a.m. with 40 participants including our guest speaker, Cliff Thomas’ wife Janet, member candidate Kimberly Sutton, and PDG Russ Davorem. 

Happy Dollars

  • Mary Sallee is happy to be home after a vacation last week in Florida. 
  • Jonathan Winders is happy to be back from a Disneyworld trip with his family.
  • Linda Holt is happy her part of PETS Rotary training is completed. 
  • Jane Purcell is happy the weather was nice so she and hubby Darren could build 10 raised garden beds. She is also happy everything went well with the technical support she provided for PETS online training.
  • Polly Christian is happy about her trip to Texas to celebrate her birthday and that of her now 13-year-old granddaughter. 


  • Board meeting this Friday. Zoom link to come. Voting on bylaws for Satellite Club on the agenda. All welcome to join.
  • Jane sent a survey in email to see which nonprofit organization members want to receive club support from the April 24 District Service Project. This Thursday night, Conni Eckstein is leading a conversation to make sure each club benefits different nonprofit organization. 
  • Joan—RYLA Camp this year! First planning meeting was last night.


CE Jones introduced guest Dr. Archie Buendia. Both are founding members of CrossTimbers club and often start their days walking together. 
Archie and his wife Imelda were born and raised in the Philippines. They met in medical school there, married and moved to the US where they practiced as medical doctors until their retirement a few years ago.
Archie provided some history about the Philippines, and that it is comprised of more than 7,000 islands with citizens who speak hundreds of different language dialects. 
He noted the famous promise of US General Douglas MacArthur that he would return to liberate the islands from the Japanese occupation during WWII.
Archie, Imelda and several of their family members have joined about 100 other healthcare providers on a dozen medical missions to the Philippines to provide medical treatment and surgery to many of whom haven't seen a doctor in their entire lives. 
The mission provides free care and medicines.
Common problems treated by surgery are goiters, hernias, and cleft palettes.
When the mission team rests, Archie visits with local Rotarians and presents his home club banners.
Archie and family also enjoy local tourist attractions, food and culture, and occasionally see a volcano erupt.